my name is Glover
member of the vs so ai m in the same split group as Cyriel, Michael, and Glover. ai m in my 20s
ai hold all the pdv traits w cy so like bpd++ hpd traits, stuff like that. ai also hold the hypersexuality++ hyperromanticality.
ai like drag++ crossdressing++ makeup !!!!!! ai also id as a crossdressing tranny lol++ ai like 2 confuse ppl
ai paint++ make playlists++ write descs for simply plural
bit of a hopeless romantic >.< but ai try mai best... ai get crushes sooo easily tho :<
for fun, ai daydream and hang out in mai room in the headspace. all friends r invited !!!!! ai like rhythm games also :P
mai fav kinds of music r super lovey++ energetic.
mai fav artists
mai fav songs
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